Switch to Canon

I’ve made the switch from Olympus to Canon. I’ve really loved Olympus kit – image stablisation built into the camera body, smaller, lighter, cheaper lenses – but I decided I needed to make the jump to a full-frame sensor so as to have more control over depth of field and better low-light performance.

I’ve gone for the 5D Mark II with the primary “walkabout” lens being the fast 24-70 f/2.8 L USM. I’ve also sprung for the 70-200 f/2.8 L IS USM for longer reach.

140 Brilliant Polar Pictures


These are wonderful images. I’ve tried making images like this, in fact there’s a MiniWorlds page on this site with my five.

I found the instructions in the 27 February 2009 edition of MacUser UK. In short, the instructions are:

  1. Start with a panoramic image
  2. In Photoshop, resize it to a square image (I’m using 5000×5000)
  3. Invert the image (rotate 180 degrees)
  4. Apply the Filter>Distort>Polar Coordinates with the “Rectangular to Polar” option selected
  5. Spend the rest of the time cleaning up the joins!

Canon PowerShot S90 Review

Canon have recently announced the PowerShot S90. It’s a small point & shoot (“P&S”) with a 10 megapixel sensor and full control modes i.e. aperture priority, shutter priority etc.

Canon S90
Canon S90

It looks like a very promising camera – a direct competitor to the excellent Panasonic Lumix LX-3, released a year ago, which I own and enjoy.

Here’s one of the first full reviews of the S90, from Luminous Landscapes.

Read the full review here.

Amazon UK link