16-Ship Harrier Formation

16-Ship Harrier Formation
16-Ship Harrier Formation
15.12.10: Sixteen GR9 Harrier aircraft are pictured flying in a diamond formation to mark the retirement of the famous aircraft after 41 years of service. A formation of 16 Harriers took off from RAF Cottesmore and took to the skies of Lincolnshire. Photo © MoD: http://www.defenceimagedatabase.mod.uk/

Final Harrier Flights

I’ve put together a short (2 min) video of some of the flying at RAF Cottesmore yesterday, 15 December 2010. These were the final flights of the Harrier in RAF and RN service.


Download now or watch on posterous
   <b><a href='http://posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/temp-2010-12-16/oIIriujhHypaaprajfAlHdpjqiwACHgutlwucoFsbAifvvewIdncJBwsmbnx/2010_Final_Harrier_Flights_web.m4v' style='color: #bc7134;'>2010_Final_Harrier_Flights_web.m4v</a></b> <span style="font-size: 10px; color: #424037;">(24161 KB)</span>       <br style="clear: both;"/></div>      </p></div>