Snow Leopard on Dell Mini 9

Here’s my Dell Mini 9 running Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.1.


I followed the instructions on to do the upgrade from Leopard 10.5.7. The internal drive has been upgraded to a RunCore 64GB SSD so the easiest way to upgrade is to remove it, connect it to another Mac via USB, then do all the installations before refitting it in the Mini.


Don’t forget to DISABLE the Legacy USB support in the BIOS to prevent the computer locking up in sleep mode.

Snow Leopard

If you’re running an Intel-based Mac you should really run out and buy the latest version of Apple’s operating system, Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard.

Snow Leopard
Snow Leopard

To learn more, see Apple’s Snow Leopard pages and MacWorld’s extensive coverage. To check that your critical applications will run under the new OS go to the Snow Leopard Compatibility page on

Although Snow Leopard provides very few new features, it consolidates all the work Apple has done since moving to Mac OS X in 2002. By removing Power PC code and optimising Intel code, the installation is smaller than 10.5 and runs faster. And at only £25 for a single user and £40 for the Family Pack to upgrade from Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, it shouldn’t be a difficult decision.

If you’re still running Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger your best bet is to buy the Mac Box Set. For £132 you get Snow Leopard, iLife ’09 (iMovie ’09, iPhoto ’09, GarageBand ’09, iWeb ’09, and iDVD) and iWork ’09, Apple’s productivity suite which includes Pages ’09, Numbers ’09, and Keynote ’09.

MSI Wind running Mac OS X

I’ve bought an MSI Wind for travelling. It was only £309 from and came with Windows XP, a 160GB hard drive, 1 GB RAM, wifi, bluetooth and a 6-cell battery. A second gig of RAM cost about £11 from
It’s now running Mac OS X, 10.5.6. There’s lots of information at including full instructions on how to install Apple’s operating system. aboutthiswind Once you have all the downloaded components to hand it’s about a 90 minute job. Everything works under OS X except sound in and the internal camera – new drivers are in progress.
All-in-all, a great little solution if you don’t want to carry a MacBook or MacBook Pro around with you. MSI Wind