iPhone Folder Icons

Apple’s iOS4 introduced folders to the iPhone. By dragging an app onto another one, either on the iPhone or in iTunes, a folder is created with a suggested, editable name.

Many of us have done just that. In my case, I kept my most-used apps on the first Home Screen and organised the apps into folders on the second screen, thereby reducing the number of screens from 12 to 2!

Then, this morning, I noticed a tweet from Don McAllister (@donmcallister) who pointed out this page about how to name folders with icons instead of text.

I started playing around with it, firstly by creating an Apple folder, then by attempting to use icons for all my folders. “Flying”, “Travel” and “Games” were easy, but I struggled with “Sailing”, “Photography” and others. Then I remembered I had installed Spell Number on my iPhone which enables emoji icons.

A few minutes’ later I’d created this. Whether I stick with it is another matter…

(Click to enlarge)

iPhone 4 folders
iPhone 4 folders

O2 micro sim Activation

iPhone 4
iPhone 4

I had a faff activating the micro sim in the Apple iPhone 4. The O2 page talks about activating the phone and activating the sim card and I confused the two.

After leaving the iPhone overnight with a screen message “Waiting for activation, this may take some time”, I realised I had to complete the O2 Sim Swap page as well. Three hours later it still hadn’t activated. So I removed and reinserted the sim in my iPhone 3GS which immediately came up with no service (deactivated successfully) then inserted the micro sim in the iPhone 4 which immediately activated.

Hope this helps someone else.

iPhone 4 Pre-Orders

iPhone 4
iPhone 4

Apple’s new iPhone 4 will be released on 24 June and it can be pre-ordered from tomorrow, 15 June. We still don’t know the UK pricing although the UK carriers have released their new dataplans. Based on the iPad dataplans I’m hoping that three will be competitive in which case I might switch to them from O2.

Rumours are that the iPhone 4 prices will be announced today.

O2: Simplicity for iPhone 20

Are you an iPhone user with an O2 contract? Is your contract about to, or already, expired? You should consider switching to the O2 Simplicity for iPhone 20 contract.

I’ve paid £35 per month since the iPhone was released on the O2 network in the UK, receiving for that 500 minutes, 600 texts, unlimited data and the Visual Voicemail service. If you’re within one month of your contract expiring O2 will let you switch to the Simplicity for iPhone 20 contract. Your monthly fee will drop to £20 per month, it becomes a rolling 30 day contract, and your text allowance doubles to 1200. Everything else, data, voicemail etc. remains the same.

O2 are keeping this a bit secret. They’re not calling people as they approach the end of their contracts. The O2 Simplicity page says nothing about the iPhone and if you sign up online you won’t be on the special iPhone contract and you’ll lose your data allowance and visual voicemail. So if you want to make the switch make sure to call them and emphasise Simplicity for iPhone 20.

Thanks to Don McAllister of ScreenCastsOnline for pointing this out.

Time Lapse with an iPhone

Inspired by this post, I purchased TimeLapse from the iTunes Store (£1.19) and installed it on my iPhone. I then propped the iPhone up against my window and set it to record one image every 20 seconds for 90 minutes. I used QuickTime Pro to open the image set and save it out as a movie, then cropped and resized in Final Cut Pro (but there’s probably an easier way). Here’s the result:

How to (partly) avoid the O2 iPhone 3G S upgrade rip-off

So you bought the original iPhone when it was released in November 2006 and upgraded it to the 3G in July 2007 on an 18 month contract. Now you want to upgrade to the new iPhone 3G S on the 19th of June.

iPhone 3G S (32GB)
iPhone 3G S (32GB)

The problem – you’ve got six months left on your contract and O2 are going to charge you 6x £35 = £210 to get out of the contract, then £274.23 for the new 32GB iPhone and a new 18 month contract. Grand total £484.23.

A better way is to buy the new Pay & Go iPhone at £528.30, swop your old sim card into it, and sell your old 16B iPhone to MazumaMobile for £200. Grand total £338.30. A saving of £145.93.

As pointed out in this thread on Macworld UK, you’ll be able to continue your old contract until July 2010 and then be able to upgrade to the inevitable next iPhone release. O2 have confirmed to a couple of customers that your current sim card will work in a new Pay & Go iPhone.

Anything wrong with this logic?

[Update] Apparently not, as O2 confirm at the bottom of this page that your current sim card will work in a new Pay & Go iPhone.

[Update 2] Apparently yes. @rickythegeek (thanks Ricky) points out on twitter that you can sell the old iPhone to MazumaMobile whichever route you take. That brings down the price of paying off your old contract and taking out a new one to £284.23, the better deal by £54.

On further reflection I think I’ll stick with Plan A and buy a Pay & Go iPhone and continue the old contract. Although it will be £54 more expensive the contract will have expired by July 2010 making the next upgrade cheaper and easier.