Snow Leopard
If you’re running an Intel-based Mac you should really run out and buy the latest version of Apple’s operating system, Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard.

To learn more, see Apple’s Snow Leopard pages and MacWorld’s extensive coverage. To check that your critical applications will run under the new OS go to the Snow Leopard Compatibility page on
Although Snow Leopard provides very few new features, it consolidates all the work Apple has done since moving to Mac OS X in 2002. By removing Power PC code and optimising Intel code, the installation is smaller than 10.5 and runs faster. And at only £25 for a single user and £40 for the Family Pack to upgrade from Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, it shouldn’t be a difficult decision.
If you’re still running Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger your best bet is to buy the Mac Box Set. For £132 you get Snow Leopard, iLife ’09 (iMovie ’09, iPhoto ’09, GarageBand ’09, iWeb ’09, and iDVD) and iWork ’09, Apple’s productivity suite which includes Pages ’09, Numbers ’09, and Keynote ’09.
Wet & Windy on the South Coast
Posterous Review on TUAW
Here’s a great review of PicPosterous on The Unofficial Apple Weblog. Posterous is the really easy blogging service and PicPosterous is the companion iPhone app for photos and videos.
I’m using Posterous now because a) I can email anything to and it will appear on my posterous blog and b) because it will automatically get posted to Hangout, flickr, twitter, and many other social networking sites.
It really doesn’t come any easier than this!
Some Photos from Hung Hom
Low Light Point & Shoot Cameras
Thinking about getting a new P&S? Read David Pogue’s New York Times article on the latest offerings from Sony, Canon and Fuji and why they’re so much better than last year’s models.
The bottom line: buy the Sony DSC-WX1.
Dell Mini 9 Driving Dell 24″ Monitor
Hubble Ultra Deep Field
From Gizmodo:
Showing 10,000 galaxies, the overwhelming Hubble Ultra Deep Field is the most amazing, most humbling image in history, demonstrating how tiny and precious we are. This video explains how it was taken, and shows it in three dimensions.
LaCie Power Supplies
In 2006 and 2007 I bought five LaCie external disc drives, mostly the d2 or d2 Quandra models with a capacity of 500GB. I also bought two LaCie Mini 500GB drives, the kind that match a mac mini and sit neatly underneath it.
Last week it happened again. This time I ordered a drobo, ripped out the drives from the LaCie d2s and installed them in the drobo. As soon as I got that up and running one of the LaCie mac mini power supplies drives failed! Luckily I’ve now got a large stock of power supplies so I’ve just swapped it over.
Six power supply failures out of seven drives. Not good.
Karen’s a Winner!
A Very Touching Wedding Moment
[Update: and the response – divorce!]
Wonderful, just wonderful: