O2: Simplicity for iPhone 20

Are you an iPhone user with an O2 contract? Is your contract about to, or already, expired? You should consider switching to the O2 Simplicity for iPhone 20 contract.

I’ve paid £35 per month since the iPhone was released on the O2 network in the UK, receiving for that 500 minutes, 600 texts, unlimited data and the Visual Voicemail service. If you’re within one month of your contract expiring O2 will let you switch to the Simplicity for iPhone 20 contract. Your monthly fee will drop to £20 per month, it becomes a rolling 30 day contract, and your text allowance doubles to 1200. Everything else, data, voicemail etc. remains the same.

O2 are keeping this a bit secret. They’re not calling people as they approach the end of their contracts. The O2 Simplicity page says nothing about the iPhone and if you sign up online you won’t be on the special iPhone contract and you’ll lose your data allowance and visual voicemail. So if you want to make the switch make sure to call them and emphasise Simplicity for iPhone 20.

Thanks to Don McAllister of ScreenCastsOnline for pointing this out.