MSI Wind running Mac OS X

I’ve bought an MSI Wind for travelling. It was only £309 from and came with Windows XP, a 160GB hard drive, 1 GB RAM, wifi, bluetooth and a 6-cell battery. A second gig of RAM cost about £11 from
It’s now running Mac OS X, 10.5.6. There’s lots of information at including full instructions on how to install Apple’s operating system. aboutthiswind Once you have all the downloaded components to hand it’s about a 90 minute job. Everything works under OS X except sound in and the internal camera – new drivers are in progress.
All-in-all, a great little solution if you don’t want to carry a MacBook or MacBook Pro around with you. MSI Wind

One Reply to “MSI Wind running Mac OS X”

  1. Very nice – I gave up on making my hackbook – The aspire one was great – everything worked including camera and mic. but i found the screen too small for the os and also the wireless was a pain to work unless i swapped it for a £15 one. I never managed to get the screws out so i put mac on my desktop and its great! Unfortunately it won’t update normally though. Im runnning 10.5.4 and put 10.5.6 in the system files to make it think its up to date so it will run stuff like ilife ’09. apart from that everything is working on my desktop!! See ya!

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